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the uncommon hq

the uncommon hq

The Uncommon HQ might be our biggest dream yet. Our goal is to build Zimbabwe's first technology startup focused co-work space, to create a community ...

end of year computer drive

end of year computer drive

This holiday season, we've set a goal to raise $100,000 to purchase 300 computers for our 2025 programs in Zimbabwe.

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Uncommon stories start with people like you.

A special moment worth sharing!

During a meeting yesterday, our Board Chair Lionel Marumahoko (SNR) was stopped by a familiar face, Zvikomborero Bright Tetena, a proud graduate from our 2024 bootcamp who is now thriving as a software developer at Masawara .

Mr Marumahoko interacted with Tatenda and was impressed by the impactful work he's doing at Masawara - from a student learning to code to a professional developer making waves in Zimbabwe's tech industry.

This is what Uncommon is all about: empowering young people to add value to Zimbabwe's tech space.

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